Global Grappling Day 2020: Tap Cancer Out!
In 2011, Executive Director, Jon Thomas, realized that there was no philanthropic presence within the sport of Jiu Jitsu. Therefore, he set up a cause close to his heart – fighting back against cancer. Since then, he has arranged competitions, events, and fundraising that has resulted in over a million dollars being given to charities since the inception of Tap Cancer Out.
One in two people will develop cancer at some point in their lifetime. An absolutely terrifying statistic. Cancer is one of those illnesses that has affected everyone in some way or another. We all know people that have either fought the fight and come out the other end, or who have sadly had to leave us whilst fighting the vicious battle that is cancer. This event will be celebrated internationally, wherever you are in the world. For more information on your own #TapCancerOut fundraiser, view their site for further steps.
How To Get Involved
Tap Cancer Out says, “On December 12th, 2020, for the first time ever, we’re activating our worldwide #TCOArmy to fundraise and roll for a reason TOGETHER for Global Grappling Day!
After months of fundraising, on December 12th pairs of grapplers will roll for one hour straight in honor of those who can’t stop fighting after just one hour, one day, or even one year. We’re fighting for all the cancer warriors that are in the fight of their lives.
This is the first Tap Cancer Out event we’ve ever hosted where literally ANYONE, ANYWHERE in the world can take part, and we hope you do. All you need is ONE day, ONE partner, and ONE hour to change the world!”

Tap Cancer Out’s beneficiary organizations in 2020-2021 include:
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
American Brain Tumour Association
American Cancer Society
Camp Sunshine
Colon Cancer Allience
Conquer Cancer
Cure Cervical Cancer
First Descents
All donations are 100% tax deductible in the US. However, do note that donations from outside the US are not tax-deductible and international fees may be incurred by the donor.
Global Grappling Day has already made $135k towards their $200k goal, which is absolutely amazing. To get involved and/or donate, click here.