Step your game up: Double Under Guard Pass to Double Attack

Looking for a new link in the chain? Riccardo Ammendolia breaks down a fantastic double under guard pass into submission attack he says he learned from Leonardo Vieira. Vieira, however, only showed the crucifix choke option – Ammendolia has upped the game by adding a transition to the armlock. Basically, once you get the double under pass, you can choose your own adventure, but Ammendolia gives us some inspiration.

Ammendolia is a black belt under the Mendes brothers, and teaches at Pura BJJ Atos Halton.

Check it out for yourself below:

Rachel Dows

Rachel is a 20-something year old writer and martial arts enthusiast. She works at a desk job all day to afford to be able to spend the majority of her free time at the gym, where she is a blue belt in BJJ. She also sometimes goes outside to run, hike, and enjoy living in small town USA.

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