Tips to Prevent BJJ Injuries
No matter who you are, if you spend enough time on the mats then you will be injured. The reality of our sport is that it’s a physical one and that means injuries are par for the course. While injuries are almost guaranteed, that doesn’t mean you can’t do your best to prevent them. BJJ black belt and expert Osteopath Rosi Sexton just released a blog full of great tips.
While Rosi and the people over at Combat Sports Clinic are known for their work with people who have suffered a BJJ neck injury , her blog is a treasure trove for tips to keep you on the mats.
In the blog, Rosi pointed out that a major cause of injuries was trying to roll with people close to your weight. This is something also advocated by John Kavanagh who blamed rolling with heavier people for a lot of his injuries. It makes sense to avoid training with much larger opponents if possible.
Another great tip from Sexton is to try to make sure both you and your partner are training at the same intensity. This is something I have seen happen first hand; if one guy is going 100% and putting a lot of pressure on his opponent that’s a one way ticket to a BJJ neck injury. Try to manage expectations with a training partner and don’t be afraid to let them know if you are wanting a light round.
Rosi Sexton made a great point too regarding not dealing with old injuries:
“One of the biggest risk factors for future injury to a joint, tendon or muscle is having had a previous injury in that area. Just waiting for it to feel better, then getting back on the mat and hoping for the best is a recipe for future problems. ”
For more details, check out the full blog over at the Combat Sports Clinic.
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Looking for help with a BJJ injury? Book an online video consultation with BJJ black belt and osteopath Rosi Sexton.