Video: Learn Braulio Estima’s Tips to Escape the Mount
Every grappler can agree that being stuck under mount is awful. In a recent video, Brazilian jiu-jitsu legend Braulio Estima shares his method for escaping one of grappling’s worst positions.
Check out the quick video below to learn directly from Braulio.
The key to a quality mount escape, says Estima, is choosing the correct direction to force the top player’s weight. By shifting the top player’s weight in a way that makes him post his hand for balance, Estima is opening up room for a basic elbow escape. Estima makes this escape easier by positioning his hand on his torso so that it it already in position for an elbow escape.
Grapplers would be wise to listen to Estima’s advice, as he is an incredibly accomplished competitor. He was a weight and absolute ADCC champion and multiple-time IBJJF world champion. He is now retired from competition and one of Gracie Barra’s top instructors.