Watch Ashton Kutcher Roll With Craig Jones
Ashton Kutcher, the star of “That 70’s Show” and MTV’s “Punk’d” was recently awarded his brown belt by the legendary Rigan Machado. The BJJ community exploded at the news and there was plenty of debate about the legitimacy of Kutcher’s belt and what skills he actually possessed. Now, at long last the debate is over. We’ve finally been given footage of Ashton Kutcher in action against the elite Australian grappler and fan-favorite, Craig Jones. The footage was released by Jones himself on his instagram page.
As you can see from the footage, Craig Jones isn’t going all out against him by any means and is treating him most likely the same as he would anyone not at his skill-level in a friendly roll. This isn’t surprising however as the Australian is more than capable of demolishing some of the best grapplers on the planet and there wouldn’t really be much point for either man if Jones used Kutcher to wipe the mats down.
Kutcher was one of the first of a wave of celebrities trying their hand at BJJ, including the most recent addition, supermodel Kate Upton, who recently demonstrated her one-stripe white belt skills on The Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon. Because of this, it’s interesting to see the level that these celebrities are training at and how they compare against other grapplers, although to be fair to Kutcher, Craig Jones no ordinary grappler.
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