Watch How A BJJ Black Belt Deals With A National Wrestling Champion
The above video comes to us courtesy of BJJ black belt and fan favorite Nick Albin, better known as Chewjitsu, and he gives an invaluable insight into just how difficult it can be to deal with a two time NAIA National Wrestling Champion. Albin explains that the video was recorded a little while ago during a No Gi class where he was fortunate enough to have a very experienced wrestler by the name of Brandon to grapple with.
BJJ and Wrestling are like cousins with a huge amount of crossover, but quite a lot of differences in rulesets too and getting the opportunity to see a champion in either sport grapple with the other is rare indeed. There have been a lot of efforts lately to encourage crossover matches with champions of both sports like Gordon Ryan taking on Bo Nickal under a hybrid ruleset at Third Coast Grappling 3, or Ryan also taking on Pat Downey two times in one night, under both Wrestling and No Gi BJJ rules courtesy of BJJ Fanatics.
Both of those crossover matches gave us mountains of information on what happens when BJJ black belts and wrestling champions meet, but Gordon Ryan is hardly your average BJJ black belt (although neither is Chewjitsu for that matter). In the above video though, you can clearly see the difference in mentality between Wrestling and BJJ where the wrestler gives up absolutely nothing. Every single sweep is fought against and he never, ever settles for an inferior position.
For more content from Chewjitsu, click here to follow his YouTube Channel.