ADCC First European Trials 2023 Results

The ADCC’s first qualifier for the 2024 World Championships, the European Trials, took place on September 16 2023 in Warsaw, Poland.
The Trials saw Owen Jones (66kg), Jozef Chen (77kg), Santeri Lilius (88kg), Luke Griffith (99kg) and Heikki Jussila (99+kg) to become the first five athletes to earn their spots at the ADCC 2024 World Championships.
As for the women, Josefine Modig won the (new) -55kg division, Sani Brannfors took the gold home from the -65kg division and Ane Svendsen won the 65+kg division.
This year’s ADCC European Trials were wild (as always); B-Team’s 18-year-old Jozef Chen defeated three ADCC veterans to win gold in the 77kg division; 2022 ADCC European Trials winner, New Wave’s Luke Griffith won all five of his matches via a 100% submission rate; another 2022 winner, Santeri Lilius also got the gold again in 2023 and will be making his way to the ADCC World stage; and New Wave’s ‘Big Dan’ Manasoiu got defeated by Finland’s Jussila in the final.
Owen Jones def. Cameron Donnelly by points, 3-0
Yigit Hanay wins bronze
Jozef Chen def. Oliver Taza by points, 3-0
Tommy Langaker wins bronze
Santeri Lilius def Tuomas Simola by armbar
Chris Wojcik wins bronze
Luke Griffith def. Mraz Avdoyan by smother choke
Thomas Bracher wins bronze
Heikki Jussila def. Dan Manasoiu by penalties
William Fleury wins bronze
Owen Jones def. Ashley Williams by decision
Cameron Donnelly def. Yigit Hanay by clover leaf
Jozef Chen def Tommy Langaker by points, 9-0
Oliver Taza def. Thomas Barry by decision
Santeri Lilius def. Chris Wojcik by points, 3-0
Tuomas Simola def. Piotr Frechowicz by decision
Mraz Avdoyan def. Samuel Karas by rear naked choke
Luke Griffith def. Thomas Bracher by rear naked choke
Daniel Manasoiu def William Fleury by points, 3-0
Heikki Jussila def. Oskar Svels by decision
Ash Williams def. Munkhbayar Altantugs by points, 2-0
Owen Jones def. Richard Bukovcsan by points, 7-0
Yigit Hanay def. Bart Dubbeldam by points, 4-0
Cameron Donnelly def. Martin Rapcan by inside heel hook
Jozef Chen def. Mateusz Szczecinski by decision
Tommy Langaker def. Jake Dygas by rear naked choke
Thomas Barry def. Tomas Smirnovas by points, 5-2
Oliver Taza def. Marcus Phelan by inside heel hook
Santeri Lilius def. Roger Dominguez-Lopez by points, 2-0
Chris Wojcik def Otto Kuikka by calf slicer
Piotr Frechowicz def. Taylor Pearman by points, 2-0
Tuomas Simola def. Omar Emanoely by decision
Samuel Karas def. Frederic Vosgroene by injury walkover
Mraz Avdoyan def. Daniel Ladero by decision
Thomas Bracher def. Mattias Kasurinen by rear naked choke
Luke Griffith def. Declan Moody by rear naked choke
Daniel Manasoiu def. Aiden Woodley by inside heel hook
William Fleury def. Francis-Pignoti Pana by points, 2-0
Oskar Svels def. Mark Macqueen by achilles lock
Heikki Jussila def. Kasparas Strazdas by points, 2-0
You can watch the replays over at FloGrappling.