Grapplers Guide To Donate 40% Of Profits To BJJ Schools
Grapplers Guide is a longstanding business and one that the vast majority of the BJJ community have used at one point or another. The owner of Grapplers Guide, Jason Scully, revealed in a Reddit post that he will be donating 40% of all his profits from March 23rd to April 23rd to BJJ schools that are struggling due to forced closures that have recently hit most people across the world as counter-measures to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Many of the sport’s leading figures have already taken steps to provide for students and practitioners who are finding themselves without a gym at the moment, Bernardo Faria recently gave out a free code for one of his previous instructionals while both John Danaher and Renzo Gracie have also decided to provide free content to the masses. Jason Scully has become the first figure to take action in order to protect gym owners though and he also revealed that he will be starting off the fund with a $10,000 donation of his own. He outlined that he hopes to raise somewhere between $100,000 and $200,000 for schools struggling due to forced closures and this would no doubt keep many schools alive for the time being.
He’s proposed two different options for how his donations will work so far; with the money either being split between schools with a maximum of $4,000 per school and all applications decided on a case-by-case basis, or the person purchasing online might be able to indicate which school they wish to support with the 40% given from their purchase.
To look at the incredible content available over at Grapplers Guide, click here.