BJJ News

One of the many quirks of the ADCC ruleset is its incredibly lax approach to the competitor's uniform. While essentially
BJJ Stars 7 took place on Saturday, November 6, live from Brazil. In the main event, top Atos representative Lucas
The 2021 ADCC East Coast Trials were the largest Trials event ever, with approximately 800 total competitors entered. The two-day
Dillon Danis Knee Surgery
Dillon Danis is having a rough few weeks. At Saturday's UFC 268 at Madison Square Garden, Danis was slapped by
With more and more women getting involved in BJJ, it begs the question... can you train when you’re pregnant? Emilia
The busiest promotion in grappling is at it again; Fight To Win 187 is set for Friday, November 5, in
The largest ever ADCC Trials event is set to go down this weekend. With approximately 800 total competitors registered, the
Andre Galvao appears to be planning a return to MMA. On Tuesday, the legendary grappler announced on Instagram that he
On Saturday, November 6, the Brazilian promotion BJJ Stars will return to action with as card loaded with elite talent.
Submission Underground (SUG) 28 took place on Sunday, October 31. In the main event, former SUG title challenger Andy Varela